[nycphp-talk] Mailing List Sorts

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Sun Oct 24 20:43:40 EDT 2004

Yes, I have been working on this. I had Firefox filters set up, and
discovered problems with consistency of config of the TO From and CC
fields. Since I like to have certain PHP "people" filtered into individual
folders, and lists in their own folders, it is necessary to keep "peple"
who send to lists separate from the messages those same people send to me.

Some changes were made and now (understandably) my set up is hosed ;-(

If all of the lists are stable and following a convention utilizing
list-named FROM, REPLY TO, or CC fields, I can revisit this and straighten
it out. It will be a web doc. I'd like to avoid using combinatorial logic
in the filters.

The "subject" line is unreliable, as some "people" will forward a message
from a list to me *directly*, preserving a list-like subject field, yet
that message would not belong in the lists folder but in the person's
folder. I also noticed some inconsistency withthe way different lists
handle "OT" and "Re:" in the subject line.

I gues sit is time to revisit and document the current status for all
lists, and see where we are with it.

-=john andrews

Original Message:
From: Hans Zaunere |nyphp dev/internal group use|
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 16:06:02 -0700
To: talk at
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] Mailing List Sorts

> How does everyone keep their mailing lists in tune?  I just have way
> many folders lately.  I used to have all my mailing lists come into a
> single folder, but then it would just get flooded.  Now I'm thinking
> making a single folder for "hightrafficmailinglists" and a single
> for lowtrafficmailinglists .... but I wanted to know what everyone's
> thought was.

I think John was working on something like this, and I hope to have it
on at some point soon.

Basically, all public NYPHP lists can be filtered in two ways.  The
first is to filter on the To or Cc header of the email.  They will go to
the name of list, at the domain.  So for example, for
this list, you'd put everything with talk at into a
separate mail folder, as I do.

The other way is to use the subject.  The subject of every mail uses the
list name surrounded by brackets.  So, for the NYPHP-Org list, you could
filter the subject on [nycphp-org].


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