[nycphp-talk] Idea for PHP site (series of articles)

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Wed Oct 27 16:20:00 EDT 2004

> I think good PHP programming needs to build on top of good generic
> programming skills.

I wholeheartedly agree.  It's the reason a lot of us, over time, end up
using 3 or 5+ languages regularly and fluently.  The theory and the patterns
behind the languages generally carry over.  After learning 2 languages well,
including best practices and tweaks, all we need is a reference manual for
the 'vocabulary' and basic formatting (brackets, indentation, etc) and we
can move forward in almost any programming language.

I've always felt a useful site would be one that takes on each topic and
applies a multitude of languages and perspectives, in order to show the
basic idea behind the topic (basics like loops and conditions and
application concepts like shopping carts and content management) and show
how they carry over, while remaining similar.

As far as the well beaten cabinets analogy is concerned, you don't start
over when you change your wood and tools, you apply your previous knowledge
of the wood and similar tools with variation to make a good solid cabinet.


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