[nycphp-talk] Storing User Controlled Configs

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Sep 10 13:47:55 EDT 2004

Hey Chris:

On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 11:27:02AM -0700, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> but the session variables themselves are pretty
> sure, since they're kept on the server and not sent back and forth.

Though, of course, nothing is 100% secure.

If an attacker has found an exploit that allows them to inject code 
(which is your REAL problem, not the exposure of session data) or if 
you're on a shared server, there are several options.

If the session data is stored on disk and the directory it is stored 
in is known and the file permissions on that dir are too permissive, 
the cracker can use opendir() and then loop through the directory to 
gather the contents of each file.

Similarly, the session file name is based on the session id (which can 
be obtained via snooping) and they know the directory, a cracker can 
open the file directly, like this:


The session data can be altered as well.

So, if there's any really sensitive data or data that could be used to 
escalate privileges, it's probably best not stored in a database 
rather than the session data.


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