[nycphp-talk] PHP And Search Engines

corey szopinski corey at
Wed Sep 29 16:39:53 EDT 2004

I generally build 'spider food' pages for our sites. Since we're usually
putting our navigation in Flash files, the search engines can't hit interior
pages. I find that this technique also works well for dynamic pages.

Here's an example of a basic one, that rides in the footer of the home page:

You can see that it works because this link for an interior section comes up
perfectly in google:

And here's an example of Google finding a dynamic page (it's #2 on the list)

Not sure if that helps you out much, it's pretty basic. But it works.


On 9/29/04 4:22 PM, "Joseph Crawford" <codebowl at> wrote:

> Guys,
> i know this isnt directed fully towards php but i have been developing
> sites for some time now and one of the parts i lack is the knowledge
> about search engines and spidering.
> Lately i have read a bit about the NYPHP site and something about
> search engine spidering.  I understand the basics such as basic meta
> tags but what i need to know is if there is an easy way without use
> apache's mod_rewrite to make a search engine index pages that have
> querystrings such as
> product.php?id=57
> where each id shows a dynamic page filled with information about
> different products.
> now one would think that when it spiders your products.php page and it
> shows links to products it would follow them and then index the
> results as if it was an html document, however i have been told that
> pages like that are not indexed.
> If anyone can direct me to any books/online reading etc.. i would appreciate
> it.
> -- 


Corey Szopinski
Technology Director
corey at
55 Washington St. Suite 822
Brooklyn, NY 11201
212.920.8135  x116 

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