[nycphp-talk] april fools in php?

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Fri Apr 1 15:29:14 EST 2005


> no.

I didn't think you were.  That's unfortunate.

Having an easter egg inside the phpinfo() function has nothing to do with 
security.  First, phpinfo() is a function which is intended for use by 
developers, not live websites.  Second, this easter egg has been in there 
since the end of April 2000*, so this is no surprise.  Third, you can go 
through the entire source tree of PHP to hunt for other easter eggs that 
could be actually dangerous, if you want.  Fourth, any programming 
language can have easter eggs in them.  Fifth, the fact that all commits 
are seen by a large number of people eliminiates the possibility of 
dangerous easter eggs ever reaching the public.

Anyone thinking PHP's phpinfo() easter egg points to a lapse in security 
or feels it "lowers PHP's public perception" clearly lacks a sense of 
humor and an accurate perspective.



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