[nycphp-talk] Zip webservice 0.1

Chauncey Thorn chauncey.thorn at
Tue Apr 5 15:58:03 EDT 2005

Thanks for posting my little project to this list.

> calculate things such as 'people in your area' etc.
good idea....
Is there a formula for calculating population based on lat/long ?

Thanks again

Chauncey Thorn

On Apr 5, 2005 11:27 AM, Jayesh Sheth <jayeshsh at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I thought this script would be of use to some of you. I just came across it.
>  It is a script that provides a SOAP interface to a freely available
> list of 43191 zip codes + latitudes and longitudes by Civicspace Labs.
> You can download the software here:
> You can download the zip code database here:
> You can  view a demo of it here:
> This is so exciting for me ... there are so many uses for this. An
> entered zip code can be validated against a city name, or a city name
> can be automatically prefilled once a zip code is entered, and so on.
> Also - the associated latitudes and longitudes could be used to
> calculate things such as 'people in your area' etc.
> Best regards,
> - Jay Sheth
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