[nycphp-talk] APC experience/information/tutorials?

Tom Melendez tom at
Fri Aug 5 10:03:04 EDT 2005

Hey Folks,

I'm looking for information on APC (Alternative PHP Cache).  Anyone here 
use it, have any experiences with it, found good info on it, have 
debugging and optimization tips, etc.  I haven't found much 
documentation on it.  So far, the best info I found was in the INSTALL 
file, which actually listed the ini options available.  I have it built 
and installed, but it really doesn't seem to be doing much for my 
application (running PHP 5.0.4/Apache 1.3.33 on Linux), and in fact, it 
causes some pages not to work.

Any other caches I should look at.  I've heard good things about Zend, 
but unfortunately their license doesn't work with my application's 
distribution model, so I really can't use it.

Tips and advice greatly appreciated!



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