[nycphp-talk] Graph Data Structures

Jonathan hendler at
Wed Aug 17 10:45:25 EDT 2005

Hi Douglas,

Perl is a perfectly rational choice and more proven for lower level 
number crunching and data structures than PHP, I believe. Python would 
also be a good choice. To reflect on language choice for certain 
problems is important. There are also graph libraries in C 
( that could be used as 
custom/dynamically loading modules in PHP . Can I make a feature request 
for PHP 6 - a native and fast graph manipulation library?

I chose PHP because it's so widely deployed in web hosting environments.
Can I embed/call perl functions in php easily? (PHP doesn't run on 
Parrot yet)

- Jonathan


I also choose PHP because I started using PHP long after you were using 
Perl ;)

Douglas Clifton wrote:

>Is it mandatory that you use PHP to solve your problem?
>If not, then I suggest you consider using Perl. Unless I'm
>mistaken, there doesn't seem to be quite the codebase
>in PHP for these sorts of abstract computer science
>problems. Perl is another story. CPAN contains 1000s
>of modules for this kind of thing, and a quick search
>revealed this promising package: 
>Gasp! Someone posting a message about Perl to a PHP
>mailing list? Let me tell you, I was using Perl long before
>PHP was nothing but a bunch of CGI scripts (written in
>Perl mind you, and later in C).
>Also, the languages are very similar, so you may be able
>to port the Perl Graph library to PHP. HTH ~d

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