[nycphp-talk] Double Loading PHP as image - Firefox or PHP?

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Dec 1 15:30:47 EST 2005

Very curious indeed.

Same behavior with Flock and older Mozilla Firebird 0.7, so a FF 
reinstall probably won't help you.

-=john andrews

Mark Armendariz |nyphp dev/internal group use| wrote:

>>>when I turned that on -- surprise! -- it *also* requests my script, 
>>>and thus, generates another hit. Check all you plugins, 
>>especially web 
>>>development-type ones that might be generating more 
>>requests w/o your knowing it...
>>Oooh, good one!
>Damned god suggestion indeed.  Killed ALL my extensions, with the plan to
>add them one by one to figure out which one was the culprit.  Alas... The
>problem continues.
>I've also removed the content disposition header completely.  I'm about to
>try re-installing FF.  But I rely want to know if this is just my one
>installation of Firefox 1.5 or if I'm going to be dealing with such a thing
>all day every day as it's downloaded by millions across the globe.
>Here's the php gif:
>Here's the output:
>Here's the actual gif:
>In case anybody wants to see it in action.  Also, I've added ip address to
>the output line (since there may be more than one trying this out).
>Here's the code:
>require_once 'function.file_put_contents.php';
>require_once 'function.get.ip.php';
>file_put_contents('./output.txt', get_ip() . ': ' . date('m/d/Y G:i:s') . ':
>' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n");
>header('Content-Type: image/gif');
>Also, the original version of this was using file_get_contents.. And then I
>tried good ol fopen.  readfile just seemed to be the most direct route.
>Thanks, all, for your comments and suggestions
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: talk-bounces at 
>>[mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of csnyder
>>Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 8:22 AM
>>To: NYPHP Talk
>>Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Double Loading PHP as image - 
>>Firefox or PHP?
>>On 11/30/05, Wellington Fan <wfan at> wrote:
>>>I have a Firefox plugin that lets me peek at the response 
>>headers, and 
>>>when I turned that on -- surprise! -- it *also* requests my script, 
>>>and thus, generates another hit. Check all you plugins, 
>>especially web 
>>>development-type ones that might be generating more 
>>requests w/o your knowing it...
>>Oooh, good one!
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