[ot] [nycphp-talk] [frivolous re] MAMP setup tips

David Mintz dmintz at
Tue Feb 1 15:45:53 EST 2005

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Rahmin Pavlovic wrote:

> On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 13:20 , David Mintz <dmintz at> sent:
> >No, not the word "dirt," but its referent -- the substance itself! (-:
> >
> I've thought about this, and I can't mentally separate 'dirt' from 'the earth'.
> So, assuming our planet was as torrential as venus, I would assume that 'dirt'
> came into existence once the storms died down.

Yeah, I would assume that the very early Earth is too hot for dirt to
exist as such, and that it forms some time after things cool down, and
that there's a technical term for that period -- a term one could throw
around next time someone uses the expression "older than dirt" (-:

David Mintz

"Don't let the liberal media tell you what to think
and feel. If you have hatred in your heart, let it out."

   -- Clayton Bigsby, black white supremacist

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