[nycphp-talk] sending errors to Emacs/browser

Matthew Terenzio matt at
Sun Feb 6 11:05:24 EST 2005

Allow me to ramble a bit. i know it's no revelation and I'm not sure I 
have a point.
I don't think anyone at my Super Bowl party will care. :^)

A few months back we had a discussion about errors.

I think everyone was in agreement about E_ALL and numerous other 
details, but I never quite fully bought in to the danger of sending 
errors to the browser during development, though of course I understand 
hiding them from the end user.
You just instead  tail -f the error log, which is fine.

But anyway, that's not why I started this thread.

I was testing my shiny FreeBSD 5.3,  PHP 5.2, PostgreSQL 7.4 install on 
a web page trying to connect to the DB.
I have the file open in Emacs and making edits, saving and testing in 
the browser.
I noticed errors get displayed in Emacs. True also of Vi.

I'm not sure whether I like this or not. Also happens when errors are 
only being logged and not displayed.

I guess it was never an issue because I usually save and close, then 
test, or if working remotely, use a local editor and transfer files.

Not as dangerous if you are working locally on the server, but if SSH'd 
in, then  the ease of Mac cut and paste could accidentally write the 
errors to a source file.

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