[nycphp-talk] Odd Results

John Lacey jlacey at
Mon Feb 7 18:05:36 EST 2005

Joseph Crawford wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> i recently setup php 5 on my windows machine and moved a site from a
> linux machine to this machine.  I am having an odd problem.  On the
> linux machine everything works, the registration form submits does all
> the error checking etc.. On the windows maching though, nothing works,
> i mean the pages all load fine but when i submit the login or
> registration form (only 2 forms completed as of yet) it just reloads
> the page.  doesnt show any errors or anything, also i have an if(
> isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) { and i added an echo 'here' for debugging
> and it doesnt echo so it's not executing the on post code.
> I am not sure why i would get this, i have register_globals turned
> off.  Is there some setting in the php.ini that would be stopping this
> and causing this effect?

A while back I heard of some weird things with IE relative to testing 
for 'submit'.  Try putting a hidden field in the form and setting it to 
a value of "1".  eg. a field named "go".

<input type="hidden" name="go" value="1">

Then the test would be:

if (isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['go'])) {
	// stuff...

see if that changes anything..

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