[nycphp-talk] Getting back to shopping carts [ WAS Re: Liability protection for consultants?]

Faber Fedor faber at
Thu Feb 10 18:13:03 EST 2005

On 09/02/05 21:17 -0500, leam at wrote:
> This is getting worse as I go.  Interchange doesn't work on CPanel, which the host uses. Agora cart looks real clunky and I need something that the customer can easily use to add to the cart. CubeCart is moving servers, is commercial, and I can't tell how it looks.

My feelings exactly. I'm finding Mambo and phpshopcart to be a royal PITA to get
installed.  Well, I can't even get phpshopcart installed since I'm
getting fatal errors from the Mambo (PEAR?) libraries.

Now, it turns out that most of these shopping carts are overkill for
what I need.  All I need to do, ecommerce-wise, is to track the items
the end-user wants, gather up their pertinent info at checkout time,
encrypt it all and email it to my client.  No credit-cards or Paypal.  
No online registration. 

Anyone know of a CMS/shopping cart that *isn't* all tricked out?


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