[nycphp-talk] Mambo in the news!

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Feb 17 01:22:23 EST 2005

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:26:59 -0500, leam at <leam at> wrote:
> Mambo wins best of show anf Best Open Source Solution!

Just a quick note on this, and then off to bed for me!

You know what this means for PHP and LAMP? I had an exec from Intel
walk over and ask what all the fuss was about. I was interviewed, and
it wasn't by my Mom. I had a guy walk over and say "What is a Mambo?
One of the guys from Novell told me I needed to come over here and
talk to you."

This is cool for Mambo of course, but more importantly this validates
PHP and the LAMP platform as a force to be reckoned with. It sends a
message that companies are deploying LAMP applications for serious
purposes, not just brochureware sites. It means that there are
developers (and whole companies) that are making a living customizing
applications based on the LAMP platform.

We just sent a very loud and clear message to the business world:

* you can make money with this stuff
* you can run your business on this stuff
* you can trust and depend on this stuff

Congratulations to everyone, as this is a huge coup for the LAMP
community as a whole.

-- Mitch

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