[nycphp-talk] Setting up PHP 4 OOP to work in PHP 5 environment

Randal Rust rrust at
Thu Feb 24 11:54:02 EST 2005

Daniel Convissor wrote:

> Doesn't look like it will.  Why not install PHP 5 on your computer and 
> find out for sure?

the reason i asked is because there is someone in my office running php 
5, and we have noticed some strange 'notices.' but i have not had the 
time to look into it. i do intend to install it this weekend. i just 
wanted to throw it out there and make sure that what i already have 
wasn't a poor implementation. it sounds like i am ok, at least so far.

Randal Rust

R.Squared Communications
Digital Design for Bricks-and-Mortar Businesses

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