[nycphp-talk] kudos to Mitchy P for the Mambo spiel

David Mintz dmintz at
Thu Feb 24 14:37:01 EST 2005

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> Thank you so much. I was quite impressed with the turnout, as well.
> The one thing I didn't get to illustrate was how you (as a developer)
> could base your applications on Mambo for rapid site/application
> development. Maybe some other time ;-)

Actually I was thinking about that and started feeling the old heart rate
increase. Imagine you're a small-time part-timer like me whose specialty
is really programming rather than page design, but friends of friends etc
keeping wanting you to make a "web site," and you're like, oh man, I'm
really not a graphic artist or drop-dead sexy page designer... no wait. If
I can get Mambo-proficient, maybe contract out some graphic work to get
the pretty images.... Maybe you can do (almost) everything "yourself"
without being a complete rocket scientist/android who never sleeps.

Looks like we do need a presentation:  Mambo Part Two.

David Mintz

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