[nycphp-talk] PHP/MySQL on Windows SBS Box

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Fri Feb 25 15:00:23 EST 2005

Hello -

Has anybody had any experience using PHP/MySQL on a Windows machine 
running SBS?

So far I have only worked with PHP/MySQL running Apache on a *nix 
machine.  I am curious to get any advice to know if this is a good or 
bad idea.  And yes, this machine will be in a production environment.  
I've often heard the questions to the statement, "I want to run 
PHP/MySQL on a Windows box,"  --  "Why?"  Which leads me to believe 
that there are significant concerns and/or it's just not the most 
optimal situation.

(please excuse me if this topic has been covered in that past, but i 
didn't see anything in my archive folder.)



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