[nycphp-talk] Re: Consulting work

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Sat Jul 2 23:01:46 EDT 2005

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> This ethical stance also has a flipside, and here is a real-life example:
> I was approached with a project opportunity, and I knew that if we
> asked ~$30,000 we could have landed the gig.
> So we ended up bidding $10,000, even when I was confident we could
> have asked for three times that amount. And what we deliver will be
> equal (or most likely superior) to what the others could have offered
> when all is said and done.
> <snip>

I bid on a project one time, it was an RFP one with multiple groups 
submitting. I bid a fair amount, everyone else did much, much higher. I 
didn't get it and they actually told me, through someone else, that they 
didn't think it was possible that I could do it for that amount when 
everyone else wanted so much more.

I'm not advocating ripping anyone off, but you should consider charging 
people for the value of the product you're delivering, even if 80-90% of 
it is free and already done. Many people will expect it, and will gladly 
pay knowing that 80-90% of it surely works, as it's being used by others.


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