[nycphp-talk] php rpm for RH 7.3?

Christopher Merlo cmerlo441 at
Sat Jul 9 09:33:46 EDT 2005

On 7/8/05, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:

> Ditto for debian, running source of PHP 5.0.4 on ubuntu because
> working with the debs available was a complete disaster for me.

I have to stand up for Debian, because I'm a fan.  Debian stable, and
even testing, are perfect server environments.  Ubuntu was designed
strictly for the user's desktop.  You have to be careful which .deb
files you use in Ubuntu, because mixing and matching Debian .debs and
Ubuntu .debs can lead to nightmares.

I've been running PHP, MySQL, and Apache, all from .debs, on a Debian
stable system, for about 3.5 years now, with no complaints.  This
summer, I'm switching to testing, because it's that stable.  Ubuntu is
a pretty desktop toy (which I'm using right now as I type this e-mail
on my laptop), but I would never use it on a server.

cmerlo441 at

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