[nycphp-talk] Input Filtering

David Mintz dmintz at
Wed Jul 27 09:28:48 EDT 2005

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> > Any other ideas?
> >
> > (or of course I could just shut up and write my own)
> That's a great idea (writing your own, that is).  Then you can give a presentation on it, too :)

I was gonna say, when you say input filtering, I take it you mean both
validation and filtering. To my mind, the former is like, "does $email
look like a syntactically valid email address?" while the latter is like,
"strip all the non-digits out of $phone_number"  or "escape all the html
entities in $string." In any case, HTML_QuickForm is something you might
want to look at if you haven't already. It is concerned with form
generation and not just input validation -- you have to instantiate an
HTML_Quickform and add elements to it before you can add validation rules
-- but still you might find it interesting.

David Mintz

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