[nycphp-talk] Geocoder and PHP

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Fri Jun 10 19:18:27 EDT 2005

At 02:59 PM 6/10/2005, John Corry wrote:
>I am working on a project that will require running about 3500 street
>addresses through a geocoder application to return lat/long pairs.
>My first idea was to use cURL to post the address to the
>site...once for each address, parsing the returned result to get lat/long
>and store those with the address record in my db.

This request intrigued me, since I've been looking at creating an 
interface to Google maps via PHP and I needed to get lat/long points 
for the addresses currently in my database. My first attempt was to 
use a query to Google Maps, capture the output and use preg_replace 
on the returned XML string to extract the lat/long pair. Looking at I saw that one use SOAP, XML-RPC, and REST-ful 
RDF clients to get the information. I chose to use the RDF method, 
since it returns the shortest string.  I then used the miniXML 
package <> to turn the 
returned XML string into an associative array.

Here's the code I used:

set_time_limit(0);  // the code took a long time to go out and back
function get_lat_long($q) {  // $q is the address string with ZIP code
         $xmlDoc = new MiniXMLDoc();
         $gm = fopen('' . 
str_replace(' ','%20',$q),'r');
         $tmp = @fread($gm,30000);
//  I probably should do some error checking here to make sure I got 
an XML string
         $tmpa = $xmlDoc->toArray();

I wrote and debugged this in less than an hour.

Ken Robinson
kenrbnsn at
PS ... I'm looking for freelance/contract/permanent PHP work  

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