[nycphp-talk] How HTTP connection life relates to PHP script life

Jayesh Sheth jay_nyphp at
Tue Jun 21 09:29:33 EDT 2005

I should apologize once again to Hans Z for sending my reply from the
wrong email add. Please delete the earlier reply form the non-sub'ed
email address.

Hello Anirudh and Flavio,

thanks for your detailed and well-thought-out replies. I can say without
exaggeration that the NYPHP talk list is one of the best technical
resources for programmers in existence.

I also thought of third, somewhat resouce-heavy option:
Let the user have an AJAX application, whereby the browser downloads a
list of addresses, and posts them (along with a message body) one by one
to a another script without refreshing the page. That script sends one
email at a time. This way the browser can stop and start email
dispatches at any time. I am not so sure how well this will work out in
practice though.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,

- Jay

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