[nycphp-talk] Getting fragment - after the hashmark

Tom Melendez tom at
Sat Jun 25 09:18:02 EDT 2005

I tried this myself, with no luck.

I passed ?foo=bar#tomfrag to a file with a phpinfo call, and the 
fragment never appears. Weird.


Hans Zaunere wrote:

>This seems like a silly question, and something that would be common.
>When managing URLs during PHP runtime, how do you get the fragment part that comes after the hashmark?
>Says it will return an array containing the fragment part, but the function also requires you to pass in the URL.  Yet, I can't find a way to get the URL that includes the fragment, so it's a chicken-before-the-egg problem.
>I'm probably forgetting the function or variable that does exactly what I want, but I just can't place it.
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