[nycphp-talk] Request from Germany

Reto M. Kiefer reto at
Tue Jun 28 09:38:19 EDT 2005

Dear all,

I'm not sure if I'm at the right place to ask, but one of my PHP UG 
Colleagues -- Aaron Wormus .. here in Frankfurt (Germany) suggested to 
me that your group is using a 64bit machine and maybe encountered the 
same problem as I have.

If I'm completely wrong - I say sorry - but I would appreciate a hint to 
whom to write...

The problem:
I try on a 64bit SuSE 9.3 to compile PHP5 --with-oci8-instant-client 
support. Oracle doesn't provide 64bit version of the instant client.

Therefor the compilation fails because of incompatibilities even after 
some modifications in the oracle files (see annotations).
My idea was to compile php as 32bit binarie by providing

export CC='gcc -m32'

to the build process. But with these parameter the other extsenions (the 
one based on libxml2 for example) doesn't work any more.

I work for 4 days on this issue and I'm quite frustrated.

BTW the compilation with the Oracle Client from a Database install 
doen't work either with 64bit even if I'm using the 64bit Version of 
Oracle 9 (i.e. --with-oci8).

I'm thankful for every hint and suggestion.

All the best from Germany

Reto M. Kiefer

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