[nycphp-talk] Bitwise Operators

Flavio daCosta nyphp at
Wed Jun 29 10:57:36 EDT 2005

On 06/29/2005 10:04 AM, Kamm, William R (Bill), ALABS wrote:
> I don't see as much value to bit operations today as I
> did in the past.

Although I do agree that you can do everything without using bit
operations, and a few bitwise operators here and there are not going to
make your code ultra fast.  I still see value in using them.

Clean Code:
In the example I demonstrated, I find it actually keeps the code simple,
clean, and easy to read.  For example, If I was to track those flag
values as booleans, I would want to aggregate them all in another data
structure such as an array or object.  With this comes more code and

Php is parsed at runtime (aside from code accelerators/caching).  Even
if you have a fast processor(s), there still is alot that happens every
time a php script is requested.  If you can replace arrays of options
with a few bitwise operators, it may not be much, but it's gotta do
something. ;)

Just my opinion.

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