[nycphp-talk] A tale of two tables...

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Mar 11 15:46:19 EST 2005

> The first question is what kind of relationship are you trying to 
> model here?
> Is it:
> - one-one   - each host is matched to a single guest

Yes, it's one-one.

> If it is 1-1, then you would only need a column in the host table to 
> hold the id of the matched guest, with a unique index to prevent 
> multiple hosts being matched to the same guest.  You could also do 
> this in reverse (add a column to the guest table to hold the id of the 
> matched host)
> Dan

<slaps forehead>

I do indeed have a unique index (in both tables).  I'm a bit of a SQL 
(joining) novice.  I will create the column in one of the tables to 
hold the unique id of the other.

That's really cool, simple and elegant, I love it.

Thanks Dan!


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