[nycphp-talk] search engine suggestion

Peter Sawczynec psaw at
Wed Mar 16 10:42:38 EST 2005


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of inforequest
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 12:14 AM
To: talk at
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] search engine suggestion

corey szopinski |nyphp dev/internal group 
use| wrote:

>Although it¹s not PHP, Atomz has most of the features you¹re looking 
>for. I¹ve used it a couple of times and have been very happy with it 
>(as happy as one can be with a search engine, that is). It's a hosted 
>(ASP-style) service. Point it at your site, tell it how often to index, 
>and then design the results page. Pretty simple. There's plenty of 
>administrative control via a web interface, and it'll send a monthly 
>report what it's been up to.

I concur that Atomz had a very nice search product, but expensive. I was 
quoted $20k for the Atomz service for less pages than requested here. I 
used that version of Atomz for two years and it was very good.

Atomz was recently acquired by Website Story, and is being integrated 
into their analytics software suite. It will not be a stand-alone search 
product any longer. From the webside story site:
"*Atomz* name will be sunset upon closing of the transaction and the 
organization will operate as the WebSideStory Search and Content 
Solutions Business Unit." and  "Some of the products are already 
partially integrated, such as HBX Analytics and *Atomz* Site Search. 
Deeper integration should occur within one year. The engineering 
organizations are working on an integrated roadmap that we will announce 
in the coming months."

As you can see from swish-e and DTSearch the problem is indexing quickly 
and managing the index. In my experience there is no good product right now.

-=john andrews

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