[nycphp-talk] For those interested in search, Google starts a code site

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Mar 17 14:24:47 EST 2005
APIs are here :

-=john andrews


*What is* is our site for external developers interested in
    Google-related development. It’s where we’ll publish free source
    code and lists of our API services.

*Who are the people behind*
    A lot of people worked together to both prepare source code for
    release and prepare for launch and ongoing
    maintenance. We really care about free and open source software
    (F/OSS) at Google, and this site is one aspect of that affection.

*Google's Projects* 	

*Which projects are being released?*
    We've chosen 4 projects to start out. Perftools, sparsehashtable,
    coredumper and goopy/functional. Details can be found at

*Why did you choose these particular projects?*
    Well, several reasons, actually.

    • Google Engineers picked them.
        You may have heard about 20% time, in which Google engineers are
        encouraged to work on a personal project one day out of the
        week. Open Source interests a lot of Google developers, so we
        thought taking advantage of this program was a good way to
        prepare code for release and maintenance.
    • They make future releases possible.
        The programs we've chosen are all what we consider
        infrastructural programs. By releasing these tools, we will be
        able to release more software that relies on them later.
    • These are the ones that were ready first.

*Are these programs still in active use at Google?*
    They aren't just in active use; they're in active development. These
    first projects are all current, actively maintained code straight
    out of our repositories, and as we improve them, those improvements
    will be merged into the free code base. 

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