[nycphp-talk] gentoo (vs) fedora

Joel De Gan joel at
Fri Mar 18 13:52:53 EST 2005

Love gentoo..
Was openbsd user prior and when I switched to linux looked for something
that would be similar.. gentoo fit the bill nice..

Most distro's install a bunch of garbage that some 13 year old on crack
compiled (take mandrake on a P4 for example).. Gentoo is a bit more work
to set up, but well worth it for optimizations and if you are like me
and fully lazy about patching..
Meaning, you can cron up the "emerge" tool to update your software
nightly so you are always up to date without having to think to about it
and you just need to run the built in tools for checking changes to
config files (which emerge nicely also does not clobber) and with a
world make.conf for always compiling stuff with mysql support etc et al
it is a dream for a sysadmin.
Pretty much the only distro I will use, think about using, and recommend
to programmers. For linux newbs, Mandrake or Redhat are fine to wet your


On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 13:14, Peter Lehrer wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if anyone has experience with Gentoo and how it
> stacks up against other linux distributions, especially Fedora.
> Also, does anyone have any experience with skunkweb
> ( and/or python and postgres, and care to share
> their experiences with them?  What kind of learning curve is needed for
> python, for instance?
> Regards,
> Peter
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> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP
joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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