[nycphp-talk] Automatically Generating Code from the Database

Brian Kaney brian at
Tue Mar 22 11:28:58 EST 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 10:55, Randal Rust wrote:
> I just had an interesting conversation with my boss, who hasn't coded 
> anything since COBOL. Anyway, he was saying that he is amazed that no 
> one has written a tool for PHP that will generate classes and methods 
> based on the tables in the database.

That's because he is used to the older data-driven design methodology. 
PHP (especially v5) and other OO languages allow us to use domain-driven

Instead of starting from the database structure and working outward to
try to solve the process, start with the business problem, build your
workflows/objects and finish with the data storage.  I find there is
much less iteration with this method.

Anyway, take a look at Umbrello.  The idea is to model you app using UML
and hit the "generate PHP" button.

- Brian

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