[nycphp-talk] TruStudio - Eclipse-based PHP/Python IDE

Thomas O'Neill tommyo at
Tue May 10 22:23:28 EDT 2005

I would say its not worth the money... just go grab the phpeclipse plugins.. 
they seem more stable the trustudio in my opinion. 

I use eclipse every day for java development too.. I think that trustudio is 
close but not there yet. I still think that zend studio is the best php ide. 
I personally think that it has come along way. 4.0 is more stable, seems 
*quicker*, and has a few cool new features. I really like zde's free 
debugger. I have it installed on our staging/development server and it has 
proven very helpful for debuggin/profiling php code. If i where you i would 
give ZDE another whirl. I don't think either of the eclipse based dev 
environments (phpeclipse or trustudio) are there yet. ZDE is close.

Just my 2 cents..


On 5/10/05, Andrew Yochum <andrew at> wrote:
> I was inspired by the Zend Studio discussion to revisit PHP IDEs
> other than my glorified swiss army knife, Vim...
> Has anyone had experience with TruStudio from xored? I really like
> Eclipse for Java which is the underlying platform. This TruStudio
> looks pretty killer if its solid.
> Any experience? Worth $95/year?
> --
> Andrew Yochum
> Plexpod
> andrew at
> 718-360-0879
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> New York PHP Talk Mailing List
> AMP Technology
> Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

Tom O'Neill
tommyo at
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