[nycphp-talk] Should I try Zend Studio (again) ?

Thomas O'Neill tommyo at
Wed May 11 14:51:06 EDT 2005

I use the Linux server side debugger in combination with a windows client 
and it works great. In fact we have about 8 developers with ZDE installed 
all developing on the same linux server across multiple web applications. It 
works great.


On 5/11/05, inforequest <1j0lkq002 at> wrote:
> Thanks Hans. Sounds like an infomercial for Zend!
> Seriously though, so you have been a user of 3.5? or 3.0? Do you use the 
> server side debugger or are you commenting on how you like the IDE? If you 
> use the debugger, you have a Windows client and a remote Linux server so I'd 
> love to hear your experiences with reliabiliy and speed of the interactive 
> debugging, especially when you dock/undock/connect remotely.
> Andif you don't mind clarifying, are you being supportive because you make 
> your living off of the IDE or did you mean PHP? The former says alot abut 
> the product; the latter speaks to the value of PHP (undisputed).
> After your 30 days when you remove the trial I'd be interested in your 
> experience with the Windows dual setup. Usually the problems happen when you 
> finish and delete (I bet they pay alot of attention to getting it working 
> properly as a trial on someone's system, but I wish companies would pay more 
> attention to leaving your system cleanly when you don't buy/upgrade. Yeah 
> sure, right?)
> My license is for 3.0 and I would have to pay more to even go to 3.5, let 
> alone 4.0 I guess that's the reward for being an early adopter (!).
> I'm pretty close to moving on at this point. Doesn't seem to enough gains 
> for the added complexity.
> Thanks again for the feedback. I am sure there are others benefitting from 
> these discussions on the list.
> -=john andrews
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> "Hans Kaspersetz<>|nyphp dev/internal group use|" <...>
> Sent: May 11, 2005 8:16 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Should I try Zend Studio (again) ?
> I have both versions on my PC right now. I am trying the trial
> version. Having both does not seem to messing either up. I also have
> both on my Powerbook. I am most likely going to upgrade to 4 because of
> documenter and the SQL stuff. And I think it is the right thing to do.
> I like Zends products, I use them all the time and I make my living with
> them, so I think it is appropriate I support them. I know that might be
> a weird view on that but I know when people use my stuff and make a
> living from it I would like them to give back a little. Sort of a
> principle thing.
> Hans K
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Tom O'Neill
tommyo at
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