[nycphp-talk] $$ question

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu May 26 10:41:40 EDT 2005

> ... which has the advantage of running faster too
There is so much valuable knowledge (and entertainment) to be gained by 
watching a mob of developers optimize code. If this were all compiled 
into a book or wiki, I would read it all day long.


Exactly. That was the real value I saw in a NYPHP code archive, which would allow commenting by the comunity but be moderated by the organizers (and classified for the didactic value of each discussion). 

It is a knowledge base. Most of those end up accommodating the least common demoninator; the code gets dummed down to the level of greatest consumption. At NYPHP, it is obvious that virtually any code segment that is interesting to these senior guys could generate this kind of discussion -- valuable to those who can follow it, and therefore very valuable IMHO as a high-level PHP resource.


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