[nycphp-talk] [OT] bluetooth headset services, Jabra and IBM Thinkpad T42p

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu May 26 11:55:53 EDT 2005

Thanks in advance for entertaining [OT] posts like this one. I know there are alot of IBM TP users out there in PHP land.

I have a Jabra BT250 bluetooth headset and a Thinpad T42p w/Bluetooth and w/WinXP SP2. Sounds like it should work. Works fine with my cellphone.

After settng up WinXP sp2 I can get the device, driver, and connection but  there are no headset services for the Bluetooth headset on the thinkpad and/or the Jabra. No, Jabra doesn't supply them on their website from what I can determine. So bascially I get setup with a wireless bluetooth headset for my laptop softphone but no functionality. Doh!

Anybody try this? All I have found on the net are "me too"s with no authoritative answers. DOCS suggest that the services should be on the device, but with this setup there are no services listed. 

Thanks again.

-=john andrews

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