[nycphp-talk] Market rate for development in NYC

Josh McCormack joshmccormack at
Fri May 27 19:10:08 EDT 2005

I'd say the following factor in:

1. rates will often get lower as the # of hours increases
2. people will always try to low ball you. Just look at the adds on 
craigslist for Jr this and that, recent college grad, with 5 years 
experience. They'll use any excuse they can, promise you future work, 
promise you more after a trial period, promise you referrals, try to 
base a rate off another you had, etc.
3. depends on how you market yourself.
4. depends on how much you need the work.


Frank Wong wrote:

> So given the information, we have the median of ~$65/hr for a Sr. Web 
> Software Developer.  This was determined with the following information.
> 50 work week per year for full time
> 40 hour work week
> $96,727 for full time Sr Web Software Developer
> 35% increase in hourly rate for contractors
> I guess that makes for a great discrepancy between what my friend was 
> quoted ($30/hr) and the median going rate.  It just doesn't make sense.  
> He also said that he had been turned down before and the prospect told 
> him that he was by far the most qualified person out of all their 
> applicants but they just cannot afford him.  Has anyone experienced this 
> in NYC?  I am still wondering if there is a difference in how IT work is 
> value between the 2 locations that is not represented by those median 
> salary numbers.  Or he is just looking in the wrong place for clients, 
> but I hardly consider Schwab, SBC, and Intel terrible clients.
> _________________
> Frank Wong
> inforequest wrote:
>> Keep in mind those numbers are base-pay salaried, not 
>> including any bonus. Add 30-40% to cover self-employed benefits for an 
>> independent contractor?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:     "Andrew Yochum |nyphp dev/internal 
>> group use|" <...>
>> Sent: May 27, 2005 5:17 PM
>> To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
>> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Market rate for development in NYC
>> On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 04:54:16PM -0400, Frank Wong wrote:
>>> I wanted to survey what people think is the fair market rate per hour 
>>> for PHP/MySQL or ASP.NET development.  I just had a conversation with 
>>> a friend in San Francisco and he said that it is not uncommon to be 
>>> offered $30/hr for ASP.NET work even by large companies like Schwab, 
>>> SBC, Intel, etc.  For some background, he is a very experience 
>>> developer with 10 years under his belt.  So we are not talking entry 
>>> level or junior developer here.  Is that about the same type of rates 
>>> expected here in NYC?
>> I would say that sounds very low for NYC, especially for someone with 10
>> yrs under their belt. confirms that for NYC for a "Web
>> Software Developer":
>> And also for SF:
>> And it goes up for "Web Software Developer, Sr." in NYC:
>> And is even higher in SF:
>> Is the keyword in your statement "offered"?  Meaning, are they
>> low-balling developers with under market rates?  But possibly
>> negotiating up... as long as the developer is savvy enough?
>> Hmm.
>> Andrew
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