[nycphp-talk] Smarty Templates

Brian Kaney brian at
Wed Nov 2 12:02:49 EST 2005

Strictly speaking if your team has a designer responsible for just 
creating look & feel and usability, than you will likely will need 
someone technical to implement the design.  And this person will need 
some level of display logic for looping/conditionals/etc.  For this, we 
usually use PHPSavant, since it gives the person doing the 
implementation the full power of PHP.  Then we enforce design guidelines 
to keep business logic far away from the template and UI  implementation.

We've also used PHPTal, since the template language is abstracted and 
theoretically the backend programming language could be Python, Ruby, 
Perl or even Java.  But it turned out learning a new templating language 
(similar to Smarty) seemed like too much overhead for us.

Good luck.

Mark Lassoff wrote:

>I hope I'm not starting a religious war here, but, I'd like to get some
>opinions on Smarty-Templates.
>The sepearation of code logic and display seems intriging to me, however,
>I'm not sure that programmers could be able to create the back end logic and
>walk away, leaving the front end totally to the designer.  The front end
>smarty-templates code could get complex-- Having a information from a
>multi-dimensional array displayed occurs to me.
>Any experiences you might have would be appreciated.
>Mark Lassoff
>Web Developer
>Wildwood Inc.

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