[nycphp-talk] Smarty Templates

John Daly jdaly at
Wed Nov 2 12:49:48 EST 2005


I did one project using Smarty, not knowing it all when I started, and found 
it fairly easy to use and liked the results.  However, it wasn't totally 
successful becaue the designer had issues with .tpl files and using his 
tools to for the job (Dreamweaver, etc).  I'm not even sure what the problem 
was.   All that is really needed is the name of a template and to not mess 
around with what's between the curly braces. The rest is just pure design. 
I think the number of include files, the .tpl extension and the idea of 
design as a complete canvas instead of included elements is confusing to 
some people, so a big part - if not all - of my decision to use it in the 
future would depend on how the designer feels about working in this way.  I 
like it, though.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Lassoff" <mark at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: [nycphp-talk] Smarty Templates

I hope I'm not starting a religious war here, but, I'd like to get some
opinions on Smarty-Templates.

The sepearation of code logic and display seems intriging to me, however,
I'm not sure that programmers could be able to create the back end logic and
walk away, leaving the front end totally to the designer.  The front end
smarty-templates code could get complex-- Having a information from a
multi-dimensional array displayed occurs to me.

Any experiences you might have would be appreciated.

Mark Lassoff
Web Developer
Wildwood Inc.

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