[nycphp-talk] Trouble Updating an array in a class

Randal Rust rrust at
Fri Nov 4 10:58:23 EST 2005

Quoting Scott Mattocks <scott at>:

> You are not updating the array. You are just updating the variable 
> $moduleValue. You should update the array with a line like this:
> $moduleVars[$moduleCode] = $_REQUEST[$moduleCode];

Thanks, Scott. I figured it out just before this hit my Inbox. I knew it was
something simple like this.

> Of course you should be sure to scrub the value from the $_REQUEST array 
> before you do anything with it,

Yeah, I do that. I just left it out of this particular discussion. Once I have
the updated array, I check it and clean it.

Randal Rust

R.Squared Communications
Digital Design for Bricks-and-Mortar Business

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