[nycphp-talk] background processes

Dan Cech dcech at
Tue Nov 15 10:15:16 EST 2005

Thanks for the link, we do a fair bit of remote network monitoring so 
this technique could lead to a major performance increase just as soon 
as I can get it 100% straight in my head.

I'm not sure exactly how it applies to running a background process 
though.  Right now for background processes I use an intermediary script 
which runs the real task and writes the stdout and stderr output to a 
database row, which can then be polled by the frontend.  It seems to 
work quite well, though the overhead of updating the database is 
something I would like to be rid of if I can find a better way to do it.


Chris Shiflett wrote:
> Dan Cech wrote:
>> I for one would be very interested in a more in-depth discussion on
>> this subject, as it sounds like there is a lot more to it than I was
>> aware.
> You might find this useful (I did):
> Chris

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