[nycphp-talk] securing a file w/ htaccess?

billy reisinger billy.reisinger at
Fri Nov 18 10:34:43 EST 2005

> There's no way that you or anybody else can implement the "google
> suggest" feature without increasing the server traffic. It's plain
> impossible - think about it! The "suggest" feature provides the user
> more data while he's using the application and transferring more
> data *will* increase the server traffic.
You are carrying my boss's mandate to the illogical extreme.  I was
not asked to reduce or eliminate any server traffic with this feature
- I was asked to keep it to a minimum.

> I hope your previous plan (doing it in the client end) wasn't too
> close to "the Javascript Search Engine" featured in The Daily WTF a
> few days ago:

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. No need to fear
JavaScript or client-side anything. Just make sure it works, doesn't
get in the way, doesn't break something if JavaScript isn't enabled,
and doesn't present an unmanageable risk.

> If you cannot deal with the increased server load caused by
> "suggest" feature implemented with XMLHttpRequest, then you probably
> shouldn't implement the "suggest" feature at all. If you're trying
> to implement this with JavaScript, the JavaScript file will end up
> being quite a huge file and that will cause increased server load, too.
No, the JavaScript file won't be that big.  Also, I don't throw my
arms up and cry "uncle" every time I come across a roadblock or two,
so I definitely won't be telling my boss that it can't be done.

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