[nycphp-talk] Open Source Firewall

Matt Morgan matt at
Sat Nov 19 11:35:58 EST 2005

Smoothwall is really excellent. There's a less powerful (but still good) 
free version and a fully capable, supported paid version. Or you could 
just use iptables, which can do anything but is a little hard to get 
used to.

Confession: I don't know what "briding" means in this context.

Donald J. Organ IV wrote:

>Does anyone know of an opensource solution for a firewall that supports 
>multiple classes, and is a briding firewall??  And because of the higher 
>up authority we need a web interface to it.  Right now we are using a 
>sonic wall and because of recent events we now need something that 
>supports multiple classes, this sonicwall does not.
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