[nycphp-talk] GD or ImageMagick or...?

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Tue Nov 29 15:11:12 EST 2005


On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 09:33:45AM -0500, billy reisinger wrote:
> Just so you know, Andrew - if you plan on being able to rotate images,
> you may find the GD library to be insufficient.  GD has the ability to
> rotate images, but at the penalty of poorer image quality.  Every time
> you rotate an image with GD, it gets worse.  I've been told that
> ImageMagick doesn't suffer as much of a problem with this as GD does,
> though I've never tried it myself.

Thanks for that tip.  Oddly, when I've used GD on a project I've never
had to rotate images.  Though, on projects I've used ImageMagick to
rotate images quite a bit and can attest to it doing it very cleanly.  I
guess I was lucky.

> That being said, I've used GD with great success on numerous projects;
> it handles resizing, resampling, and conversion with little trouble,
> and the learning curve is next to nothing.
> Cheers,



Andrew Yochum
andrew at

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