[nycphp-talk] GPL version 3

Mikko Rantalainen mikko.rantalainen at
Mon Oct 3 05:09:50 EDT 2005

Hans Zaunere wrote:
> Marc Spitzer wrote on Friday, September 30, 2005 11:41 AM:
>>Saw below on slashdot, this is something we need to be up to speed on.
>> All you web developers out there need to add in time for licence
>>review on your projects, if you use any 3rd party lib, ouch.
>> [...]
>>interview link
> Interesting developments in the exciting world of GPL licensing...

If you're using GPL version 2 licensed software and you're happy 
with it, you have nothing to worry. GPL version 3 cannot change how 
old software has been licensed. If you comply with the GPL version 2 
now, you'll automaticaly comply with the GPL version 2 in the future 

What could change, is that you cannot upgrade your GPL software if 
the latest release is distributed under *different* licence (e.g. 
GPL version 3 instead of GPL version 2). You need to review the 
license of any piece of software every time the license changes 
anyway, so this is nothing new.

It would be worth to mention that most software licensed under GPL 
version 2 have clause in their license that says:
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the 
License, or (at your option) any later version."

Note that it's up to the *end user* to decide which license he wants 
to accept. If version 3 allows something that version 2 didn't 
allow, then he clearly wants to select version 3. If version 2 suits 
you better, select that. Obviously, you cannot mix clauses from 
version 2 and version 3.


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