[nycphp-talk] NYPHP cringed at AJAX almost a year ago.... now JS exploit "level 3"

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Thu Oct 13 22:56:56 EDT 2005

I was at a meeting of NYPHPers a long time ago when some stuff was 
discussed that has since become part of "AJAX". I consider everyone at 
that dinner table to be a primo technologist, but some of them are truly 
outstanding programmers too :-)

When some clever new JS cross-server stuff was dissected in discussion, 
and it appeared that it was a "feature" made from what everybody 
recognized to be an XSS hole, some of the faces were really interesting. 
Kinda like "well, you really don't want to leave that open, but if it's 
open, yeah, I guess you could do that".

Since then we have AJAX everywhere. And now we have a hack that's being 
called a new "level 3" exploit. See and

I guess we all knew THAT would happen, right? ;-)

-=john andrews

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