[nycphp-talk] bounced email and Mail::send()

Allen Shaw ashaw at
Sat Oct 15 07:30:23 EDT 2005

Anirudh Zala wrote:
> You already have paramater "Return-path" in your header so it should 
> work. Do you use proper syntex in writing your all headers? Moreover try 
> to add 1 more parameter "Errors-To" to your header string and then check 
> whether it works or not. I have not tested it, but normally it works.
> Thanks
> Zala

Well, after further review, it appears it *did* work after all, but not 
in the way I expected.  Bounced mail came back into my CLI user's 
mailbox (let's call it "shell_PHP_user at"), not the one marked 
in the headers ("me at"). In fact, the headers on most of this 
bounced mail show the original message as coming from 
"shell_PHP_user at localhost".

I'm guessing there's some sendmail tweaking to be done here. But still, 
shouldn't the headers I pass to Mail::send() be the same headers that 
get attached to the mail?

For the sake of detail, here are the first few header lines of the email 
that's being sent -- notice that 'shell_PHP_user' is being used on the 
lines above, while 'me' is being used on the lower lines:
> From - Sat Oct 15 06:12:13 2005
> X-Account-Key: account3
> X-UIDL: 4350e40d00000001
> X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
> X-Mozilla-Status2: 10400000
> Return-Path: <shell_PHP_user at > Received: (from shell_PHP_user at localhost)
> 	by (8.11.6/8.11.6) id j9FBC7J03635;
> 	Sat, 15 Oct 2005 06:12:08 -0500
> Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 06:12:08 -0500
> Message-Id: <200510151112.j9FBC7J03635 at>
> To: badaddress at, me at
> Subject: test email
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> From: <me at>
> Reply-To: <me at>
> Return-Receipt-To: <me at>
> Errors-To: <me at>
> Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
> 	boundary="=_24450f0ce176f5580ea337c3fe3ec778"
> Status:   

That's when I run the script from the command line.  If I run it through 
the Web, it's all the same except 'apache' is used instead of 
'shell_PHP_user'.  In any case, somehow the user name is being used 
instead of the values passed to $mime->headers().  Odd, right?

At this point it's academic, as I've found the bounced mail and know 
where it's going, but why the heck isn't this mail using the headers I 
give it?

I'll keep looking and post any answers here as a follow-up.

- Allen

Allen Shaw
Polymer (

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