[nycphp-talk] phpMyAdmin 2.6.4-pl3 problem

Rolan Yang rolan at
Mon Oct 24 11:31:16 EDT 2005

It is not necessary to upgrade the mysql client, but you do have to jump 
through an extra hoop to get it working.

do an
update user set password=old_password('yourpassword') where 
user='user at';
to the "mysql" database as the root/admin user.

An alternative way is to add "old_passwords" to your my.cnf file then 
restart mysql.


Russ Demarest wrote:

>I had a similar problem. The mysql client was not the same version as  
>the server. I upgraded and the problem went away.
>On Oct 24, 2005, at 10:30 AM, Max Gribov wrote:
>>I am having an authentication issue with phpmyadmin 2.6.4-pl3.
>>The auth mechanism is set to 'cookie', but I cannot get any users  
>>to login.
>>I get
>>051024  9:19:53   31443 Connect pmacontrol at on
>>31443 Query       SELECT VERSION() AS version
>>31444 Connect Access denied for user: 'user at' (Using
>>password: YES)

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