[nycphp-talk] make thumbs from video files

Roland Cozzolino rcozzol at
Tue Oct 25 17:55:49 EDT 2005

This is not trivial and requires you to either manually learn some of 
the codecs or use plugin libraries.  I don't really think this is 
something php is well suited for a believe writing an app in something 
like C with some of the standard libraries compiled in would be best..

leegold wrote:

>>>>Is there a way using PHP to make jpeg thumbs out of quicktime or windows
>>>>media files?
>>>>Preferably a batch job on a folder...
>Check out an example at:  
>>Another example would be
>You would think there'd be a PHP class or script does does this...
>I looked thru the manual but doesn't seem like a function that does it
>out of the "starting gate"...
>Lee G.
>New York PHP Talk Mailing List
>AMP Technology
>Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP

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