[nycphp-talk] getting my head around heirarchical structures

Kenneth Downs ken at
Sat Oct 29 15:41:56 EDT 2005

> On 07:56 AM Kenneth Downs wrote:
>> It is not so much implementing views as giving users a way to specify
>> views.  Since a view is just a stored query, it is just as well to
>> generate the query at run-time if doing so gives more flexibility to
>> the user.
>  > A view on the other hand must be defined by an administrator
>> and so is outside normal user activity.
> Creating views is not outside user activity:
> Create_view_priv has been available since MySQL 5.0.1.

Perhaps I should phrase it differently.  When a user is specifying search
criteria, they are not interested in whether they are creating some
server-side object, they just want the result.  So while it may or may not
be a programmer's decision to implement the result as a view, the design
decisions in the original post should focus more on how to lay out tables
that will allow the user to specify criteria.

Also, there are other databases in the world besides MySQL.

Kenneth Downs
Secure Data Software
ken at
PO Box 708
East Setauket, NY 11733

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