[nycphp-talk] pretty-print / parse sql

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Oct 31 17:24:11 EST 2005

I've had success with PEAR::Text_Highlighter in the past, it has a 
pretty robust parsing engine and plenty of flexibility.


Allen Shaw wrote:
> Hi All,
> Does anyone know of an existing (open-source) PHP library that will
> pretty-print sql statements?  I'm looking into phpMyAdmin code, and it
> doesn't seem such a mess as I might make myself, but if there's
> something that could work for this out-of-th-box, I'd much rather use it
> than decipher and re-assemble phpMyAdmin for my own use.
> I googled around for and found several programs to parse sql statements,
> but none in PHP.  Seems like this is something people would use...
> Thanks,
> Allen

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