[nycphp-talk] form element arrays

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Mon Oct 31 18:01:08 EST 2005

>just an FYI to anyone this has driven crazy ... as it did me for 
>quite some time.
>you can pass it to a javascript function this way (where elementname 
>is the name of the select list)
>you HAVE to select all the items on the submit() if you want them to 
>come across in the POST, otherwise you will end up without that post 
>element, which becomes phase 2 of driving yourself crazy.

Hey, thanks much, y'all.

I thought I had properly tried accessing them in quotes, but there 
was one place I had missed it.

And, getElementByID is probably a better way, anyway.  I need to get 
my mind into the new 'DOM' way of thinking; I learned JavaScript back 
in the - eeek - '90s.


Marc Antony Vose

The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.
-- Bruce Ediger

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